A neurologist is a medical doctor who diagnoses, treats and manages disorders of the brain and nervous system
Neurology is a specialty of medicine which deals with damage to the peripheral nervous system caused by different neurological diseases. Neurology healthcare facilities in India are famous for the handling of neurological diseases.
Cure Getaways offers customized treatment plans for our foreign patients to help them get complex treatments at affordable costs. The treatments provided by our partner hospitals are head and spinal injuries, movement problems, stroke, brain tumors, seizures, headaches etc. We collaborate with wellness centers who provide effective rehabilitation therapies as well that help in fast healing.
Some of the popular neurological treatments we facilitate in India are:
Your medical history is also scanned. The treatment is carried out through medication, stimulation of Vagus nerve and surgery. Your neurologist may suggest a ketogenic diet also. Wellness therapies may help in epilepsy, after the underlying or root cause is determined.
Spine and Brain Surgery
Surgery of the Tumors of Spinal Cord
Surgeries for acute spinal and head injuries
Surgery related to stroke and precautions
Indian hospitals have a well-established reputation to deal with brain stroke or cerebral infarcts. The hospitals offer affordable packages for stroke prevention which includes carotid endarterectomy surgery. To help in diagnosis, you can be asked for blood clotting and neurological tests, brain imaging test, electrocardiogram and echo test. The physician may also suggest medicines and blood thinners post-surgery.